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Not a long time ago, I wished this generation to end pretty soon but I have changed my mind. The way the Xbox gets better and better is really fun to watch.

The NXE is awesome. I love Avatars, I love VoD and I love the whole design. I played and finished Gears of War2 and it is an outstanding game. The Singleplayer is great. I never had such a great singleplayer in a shooter before. (well maybe Goldeneye on the N64) The multiplayer is not that great for me (too noobish to run with the shotgun all the time...), but the horde mode is fun.

Now I finally played Fable 2 for some hours and I am totally impressed by the atmosphere this game delivers. Peter Molyneux didn't hype it too much, it is great.

Left 4 Dead will be my next purchase. The co-op via Xbox Live is great. I played the demo for 5 hours with a friend. Will be a great game. Banjo Kazooie will be another purchase some time in the future. There are still great games to come and I am looking forward how they are pushing the console even further. (Alan Wake-screens )

But after that, I want a NEW system. The system should be capable of something completly new. The best thing to watch is to see how the games (and these days also the system itself) get better and better. If the system has just some minor improvements, this development won't be that big. So I hope for a great step forward just like Xbox --> Xbox360.

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