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I am really think of buying a DS, especially ever since I saw an original fat ds of $80 at gamestop. Plus i have been looking at DS games since i am buy a gift for someone (and if you are reading this I'm not telling what i got) and have been intriged by several titles, so I have a couple questions.

1. Is the brightness on the DS fat bad, I know it's backlit on the DS, but I had bought an original GBA and hated it purely for it's dark display which in my eyes made it uplayable inside, that hurt Nintendo in my eyes for awhile (in terms of handhelds) and I wanna know if it's screen would bug me (BTW the green screen GB original didn't so I'm hardly picky)

2. Have any of you had problems with the battery supply on the DS original? Or any other relibilty issues?

3. How well do GBA games play on it.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting