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amirnetz said:
madkiller said:

"HD is done: Most people cannot see the difference between 720p and 1080p. Minimize the investments in greater graphical capabilities. Instead learn from Ninty and invest in new experiences that could appeal to families. Capping HD where it is today makes sense because anyway the studios are struggling with the cost of HD game productions."

LMAO, this is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. First off, you are comparing HD to better HD. The Wii is 480P at best. Secondly, if you have a real TV then you can definitely tell the difference, if you can't then you are just blind.

madkiller - I suspect you misread my post.

When I say its "done" I mean "the PS3 and 360 got it done well enough and the next gen should not be focusing on taking it much further because you'll get diminishing returns". What Ninty showed is that you can be successful even without HD if you got the overall experience right. I am not saying to move back to 480p, I am saying that what we have from the 360 and PS3 in graphical power is very good already and the the innovation of the new gen should come from another direction. 


1080P is going to be the peak for a very long time, just like 480P was the peak for a very long time. Next generation won't be about introducing a new format, it will be about improving the current one. However, Nintendo decided to keep the old format, which limits what their system is capable of doing. Any game made for all 3 consoles is always better on the 2 HD ones, period...


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