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Tomb Raider Underworld’ Wii Version Has Game Ending Glitch

 Yesterday I starting playing through the Wii version of Tomb Raider Underworld and I have unfortunately encountered what appears to be a game ending glitch towards the end of the Coastal Thailand level. In the room after Lara rotates the glowing bridge there is an underwater door that needs to be opened by pulling a lever on the left wall of the room. It’s a simple puzzle with a big problem.

 In the Wii version of the game the lever is simply not there. While reading through the official Tomb Raider forums I found several other Wii owners who have experienced the same problem. According to posters on the Eidos forum the company has been contacted about the issue but they have yet to come up with a solution. Our Tomb Raider Underworld Wii review will be put on hold until this issue is resolved (or not resolved, which would make the review very simple). If any new information surfaces I will be sure to update with it.

Udate: The video below shows what the level should be like. The poll that Lara pulls down towards the end is the one that is missing in the Wii version (pictured at the top of the post)



 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia