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What will also be different this year is that at this time last year WW the PS3 was building momentum for the 1st half of 2008 with the price drop. This year that is totally different. The 360 will enter 2009 with all of the momentum and really not until a PS3 price drop will there be any chance of that changing.

MS was in the position this year to play defense and make there moves when they really needed to rather then being forced to. MS will able to keep 360 prices at nearly launch levels until September with the PS3 really just denting the 360 WW lead. With the growing lead the 360 has and which should grow until the PS3 drops in price MS can choose just the right time to counter with a price adjustment of thier own.

With 2-3 holiday seasons before the next consoles start launching the publishers are making thier next 2 years of development plans now. That means the 360 will be prominent in there plans and the PS3 will be 2nd tier for most of them producing HD content.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.