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After 11 years, thousands of fan outcries, and three console generations, here we are, getting a sense that an actual Nights sequel is on the way. The Saturn classic -- you know, the one Sega claimed would take down Super Mario 64 back when "next-gen" meant "3D" -- sat lonely for a decade, but now we've finally seen enough that it has settled in: a sequel exists.

Granted, we still haven't played Journey of Dreams (you may prefer to call it Nights 2), so questions on just how it feels to fly again will have to wait, but Sega recently provided a look at a new level of the game, named The Dream of Desert, that shows a bit more about how the gameplay works and reveals part of the story behind it all.

SCREENS: Click the image above to check out all Nights: Journey of Dreams screens.

The idea here is that Will -- one of the new characters in the sequel -- has lost contact with his father, which has led to him having nightmares. So for this level, or "Nightopia" as the game calls it, players will come across objects that tie-in with his past. An amusement park is there to reflect the happy times of his childhood (and his current sadness as the sand all around covers it up). A beanstalk rising out of the ground "serves as a subconscious symbol of Will's inner desire to grow up and escape the desolation he feels," according to an official Sega description.

Okay, so that part makes sense, and certainly fits in with the types of levels we saw in the original Nights, but the next part of the level takes things in a more confusing direction. Once you transform into Nights and start flying around ("dualize" as Sega calls it), you come across televisions in the world. Touch them, and a lake in the background grows to the point that the desert becomes a water-filled paradise with free stuff everywhere; miss them, and the desert takes over with enemies thrown your way.

It makes sense from a gameplay perspective, and the idea of levels that change as you go seems like it'll work quite well, but if you're confused by the TVs, we can't say we've got an answer for you. Maybe it's a metaphor for teaching kids television is good. Or perhaps more likely, it'll tie-in with other aspects of the game we don't know about just yet.

SCREENS: Click the image above to check out all Nights: Journey of Dreams screens.

Given how careful Sega has been with what questions it can answer about the game, we wouldn't be surprised to see a number of new elements introduced to the game structure -- how you get from level to level, how you balance your time between controlling Nights and controlling the kids, and how you switch between characters are all things we're waiting to figure out.

But The Dream of Desert does a nice job confirming there's more variety to the game than the limited glimpse seen in previous screenshots and at E3. The visuals, as you can see in the latest screens, have sparked a lot of mixed reactions and will likely to continue to do so, but from a gameplay perspective Journey of Dreams seems quite promising. We'll definitely need to see more before we can say much definitively about the game's quality, given how secretive Sega has been, but this latest glimpse is a good sign that there will at least be some variety along the way.



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