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akuma587 said:
The only time the world could ACTUALLY end is if WE caused it. Either through nuclear warfare or some weird accident with a particle accelerator that created a black hole. That could actually happen.


You overestimate mans greatness/ underestitmate the power of God/nature (depending on your beliefs). I don't know if we could spawn a black hole even if we wanted to. Nukes could wipe out human life, but thats not the same as the world ending, though it effectivly is becuase who cares if there is a microbe living in a volcano 3 miles under the earth if humanity is gone?

In that sense, there are plenty of other ways for humanity to be destoryed. A meteorite could hit, a massive, horrible plauge that is spread by air... heck, if MRSA became airborne and widespread it would virtually wipe us out.