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One thing I don't think people understand is these claims that "The PS3 is a 10 year system!" are mainly a way to convince people that the $600 price tag is reasonable; it is an attempt to minimize the largest flaw in the PS3's strategy.

I do think that dtewi brings up an interesting point ... If the Wii is nearly as successful as the PS2 will consumers want conventional controls on their games in 5 years? Basically consider that in 4 years Nintendo/Microsoft should be able to produce a system with an advanced version of the Wiimote+Nunchuck, on hardware which is dramatically more powerful than the PS3, and is at a reasonable price range ($200 to $300) how will the PS3 be able to compete?

(Note: for those who doubt the ease of producing more powerful hardware than the PS3 at a reasonable price consider that when the XBox launched a 1GHz to 1.5GHz Pentium 4 processor was a $1,000 processor, when the XBox 360 launched you could buy a Pentium 4 processor in the 3GHz range on a motherboard with a 1GB of Memory for about $350).