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See, I can't entirely agree with the OP. If RE4 can be put on the Wii and look as it does, there is NO excuse for any other game should look any worse than that. The tech exists, and it works. Also, take Mushroom Men, another game very well polished on the Wii. The technology isn't THAT limiting. The Wii is STILL significantly stronger than the original XBox, so no game should look any worse than the best original XBox game, or any worse than even the BEST looking game of last generation.

The issue that exists is that there aren't any Wii-specific high quality engines open for licensing yet. This is to be expected, as they are in development, since devs have seen the light that the Wii is the clear winner this generation. Once a high quality Wi-specific engine is readily available for licensing, you will see more games with higher quality visuals, that take full advantage of the entire Wii hardware.

Overall, I think people are just jumping the gun on a system that's only been out for 2 years so far. A AAA title can take up to 3 years to develop from the R&D process onward. So that means that a Wii game that started development at the launch of the Wii might take up till 3 years into the console's life. Expect to see improvement in 2009 and 2010, since this will be a big push for quality titles for the Wii.