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Rei said:

It looks like the anticipation for White Knight is not really big in Japan. Still #12 in the poll, 1 month before the release. And although Famitsu's poll doesnt always represent how games will sell, I think it's safe to use it as an indicator in this case since it's a hardcore HD jRPG we are talking about.

And looks like Dissidia is gonna be big, so just like retailers I am expecting PSP to sell the best this holiday season.


Um...what were you looking at?

What will you get?

Nintendo DSi

Animal Forest: Dobutsu no mori (Wii, Nintendo)

White Knight Chronicles (PS3, Sony)


Chrono Trigger (NDS, Square Enix)

New Xbox Experience

Ad-Hoc Party for PSP

Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP, Square Enix)


PlayStation Home open beta (PS3, Sony)


Most wanted merchandise


Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP, Square Enix)

Animal Forest: Dobutsu no mori (Wii, Nintendo)

Nintendo DSi


White Knight Chronicles (PS3, Sony)

Xbox 360

The Last Remnant (360, Square Enix)

Xbox New Experience

PlayStation 3


That looks a fair bit better than 12th.