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puffy said:
Disfunctional perhaps but if you can imagine, if the console is the central hub of the home. Wouldn't everybody want to use it for sumthing? So if I were Microsoft (say they are the ones to implement this) I'd make a powerful console with say a 12 core processor but tell devs that they may only use 4 of those cores for any one title but then allow them to have an enhanced mode using the full guts of the system..

That console may be priced at $299 at launch, then you have small receivers that have a camera, microfone, power button etc that retails for $79 that acts as a gateway to the console so everybody in the house can have the console in their room (up to 3 for one console)

So your mum wants to play Avatar World: Cooking Practice! in the living room while you play Gear of War 4 in your bedroom and your dad watches a HD movie in the theatre room..

That's how you:
1. kill the competition as why would you need more than one consoles when for an extra $79 you could have a virtual version.

2. Increase the usefulness of bigger, faster processors when te graphics, AI and physics aren't getting a whole lot better

3. Differentiate yourself from the competition as a truly connected household item.. Just like the Wii having the blue light for messages, imagine the console giving everyone they're own personal messages to their own receiver, turn on the TV, connect to the console and notice you have a message from another family member to join their online coop game etc..

Would be a nifty feature

It would really depend on what the reciever actually is. If its say an Xbox 360 Arcade stripped of the optical drive they could easily add those features and run those things locally without relying as heavily on the central hub.

The number 4 reason if I can add, if you could easily upgrade a current 360 to act as a reciever/terminal to the central console it would provide a big incentive for current users to upgrade to the next Xbox rather than a competitors console.

