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Squilliam said:
Luthor said:
"Disrupt the old empire! The consoles making PCs obsolete." I disagree. PC is still in front in terms of graphics, controls (mouse still beat the wiimote), line-up. Home consoles still have to catch up.

Graphics are becoming more difficult to distinguish, and will the mouse still beat Wiimote version 2?



 Have you compared a Wii game to a 360 game recently?


Seriously though, there is a law of diminishing returns as far as graphics go. We're still not there though, there are one or two generations of console hardware to go yet where there will be a clear difference between one generation and the next in terms of graphics quality.

The next gen, aside from all being Wii-mote type controls, will be about hardware that can display all games at 1080p resolution. This gen, for the 360/PS3 has been about 720p (or below) graphics.

I am largely platform agnostic. I fail to understand why some people get overly fanboyish about what is an inanimate piece of electronics that's obsolete even before it's launched, when there are far more important things to champion, such as preventing environmental destruction or preventing millions of people dying unnecessarily from illnesses. This fact however, doesn’t mean I am not someone who doesn’t enjoy gaming as a pastime (as I have done for the last 20 years) or doesn’t have a strong interest in how the market is evolving – hence my presence on this site.

Platforms owned – PC, DS, X-Box 360, PS3, PSP and Wii.