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zelda could use it but that's not the point : all 3D zeldas have worked well so far, no matter which engine they were built on.
what the game reeeeeeaally needs is progress in the overall presentation.
characters without any voice acting beyond *scream* and *giggle*, story telling in text boxes, a story on mario levels, the always-the-same dungeon system ( ridiculous that all the bosses need to be hit 3 times ) and the lacking of an alternative difficulty level make the game stick in the 1990's.

and don't tell me bullshit arguments like nostalgia or : 'non-speaking NPCs leave space for own imagination' , thats just ridiculous, prince of persia : sands of time was the most charming game i ever played in terms of emotions and it made me dream of the wonderful storyline BECAUSE of the voice acting and the deep and serious plot ( not find all the artifacts to save the world )

i had much less fun with TP than with its predecessors, but i honestly think that in 2008 and later zelda cannot follow the same sheme like mario : one princess, always the same bad guy, same gameplay and ( which works in the mario universe ) no deep story. zelda hasn't evolved at all since oot.

if Wii Zelda doesnt evolve even a bit in those ways, i will leave the franchise, nintendo has enough casuals by now who buy all their games, even the crappy ones