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puffy said:
I wanted to see a console that could wirelessly stream into more than one room at a time, obviously that means a performance hit for each game being played, probably maxed out at 3.. Or multiplayer, a person in each room, console in the living room, streaming to each TV thru a little receiver..

I don't think that will happen next gen tho.. Sony and Microsoft and even Nintendo still have a ways to go before the hardware is maxed out to the point that an increase in capabilities can't really improve what you see on screen..

However to say 'Microsoft is in a unique position to capatalise' is a little naive as any one of the 3 big companies could do what you are suggesting... Yes Microsoft has the PC advantage but why couldn't sony come with a DVD to put an app on the PC? Why couldn't Nintendo redefine the interface once more to make the console a more core product? They seem to be going that way anyway..

Good read though *claps*


As for streaming movies to multiple locations at once, thats a pretty disfunctional family! Anyway it wouldn't be too hard, its essentially just a little step upwards from what local multiplayer requires and if that can be done then movies would be a breeze by comparison.

The reason why I pick Microsoft as the one is because they have the most advantages or the least disadvantages with regards to achieving this. Between their control of Windows, their massive pool of talent they can draw upon to develop software and their ability to use pretty much any piece of software written for the computer by running them natively on X86 or porting them to powerpc means they have the most options in implementing this.

