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MikeB said:
All major XBox games have already seen sequals on the 360, the entry pricing is similar to the end of days for the original XBox. Nearly all hardcore XBox fans thus likely already upgraded to a 360.

IMO from now on Microsoft mainly tries to appeal to casual gamers, tries to compete with the same market Nintendo targeted. XNE is the first major step, probably we are going to see lots of simple party games from Microsoft.

This sounds more like what you wish would happen, rather than what's likely. MS's lineup is actually becoming more and more like the PS2's every day, which I'm sure you'll recall had a home for just about every type of player.

A game console can be more than one thing — if Singstar can exist alongside God of War, then surely Lips can exist alongside Gears of War. Microsoft is not going to abandon their hardcore audience—a demographic that clearly is buying more software than any other group on any other console—to appeal to the casual player. They have, and will continue to, make games for both groups.

LEFT 4 DEAD - November 17th