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Not a chance mabey 19millon if lucky ! the X360 and PS3 have similar Hardcore market appeal - but X360 is way cheaper so it will take the bulk of hardcore sales.
As for the huge casual market (anything which is not an FPS) Nintendo own that because sony have basically totally ignored this part of the market with crap support and late or non-deliveries of features and titles.

Hardly supprising Nintendo is gonna own this XMAS along with X360 holding their share too, and the PS3 will probably only appeal as an overpriced blu-ray player which is the main thing i use my unit for.
Such a pity to see the pathetic software support the PS3 is getting from sony zero support for developers to make games with PS3 features it's like they are purposly trying to fail - i guess that way they make less losses because the HW sells at a loss right - but why bother in the first place then.
I my NEW estimation of the end of year sales - i think MS is has extended their lead to 6 million consoles this year. I would go Wii=43.5Mill X360=26Mill PS3=18.5Mill which will give Nintendo 49.5% of the market - MS around 29.5% and PS3 21%.

19 Million is still a reasonably large number of units sold - though that wont happen this year.

PS3 number 1 fan