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Feel free to ask for an actual explanation, or any additional advice.

For now I'll just list in order games that I have played/own and their rank
note: Gears of War I borrowed and wasn't able to play it as much as others so the score isn't as true as it could be.

1. Bioshock (MUST HAVE)
2. Project Gotham Racing 3
3. Fable II
4. Blue Dragon
5. Prey
6. Gears of War
7. Perfect Dark 0
8. Timeshift

My main recommendation is to save up some money for XBLA. There are a lot of good games on their for 5,10,15 bucks. Hopefully this christmas someone will give me a big point card and I can finally get a horde of Live games.

I haven't played MASS EFFECT or MKvsDC yet but they will be my next Full game purchases and I think they are both highly recommendable (MKvsDC more dependant on your interest in it)

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself