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     Honestly, what the heck.  I'll admit that that I am somewhat of a Sony fanboy.  I grew up with their systems, and for good reasons.  But I'll be realistic, 360 is doing a good job.  Although the only game I find worth playing is Gears Of War (2), I can see why others like the library.  But come on, PS3 is doomed.  It is closing the gap.  50% of a gamefaqs poll saying they dont want one( and 60% of that same poll saying they will end up getting one) does not mean it is doomed.  Are Gran Turismo 5, God Of War 3, Killzone 2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and future Resistance's, Motorstorm's, Uncharted's, LittleBigPlanet's and Ratchet's, as well as other exclusives like Team ICO's next project and Infamous not worth mentioning.  Come on, this is Sony.  Brand strength, the cheapest Blu Ray player on the market, and Home's casual appeal( regardless in public interest on the decline) as well as games will keep them in the market, regardless of if they "win" or not".  Personally, I think the PS3 will overtake the 360, but thats another discussion...

     Also, I find that GT CEO's or whatever remarks extremely asinine.

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