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akuma587 said:
No, his house was just the one they decided to attack. Pretty disturbing stuff that happened. Would have messed with anyone's mind, and he was already a strange guy.


So, apart from his living during Nazi occupation of Poland, in the jewish section, no less, he had that happen to him too.  Man.


Any other suggestions (I should know better than to post these threads this late in the day)?


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz