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chasmatic12 said:
SHMUPGurus said:


The game has a couple of issues though. First thing, it's filled with random glitches, especially in the snowy level. It seems like they've rushed a few parts in the game, and it shows. When I would wall run in a certain part and then jump to grab a ledge, Lara would just ignore the ledge and drop down to her death (which sucks...! ;_;). Also, when I would press the E button to go faster along a ledge, Lara would suddenly teleport on the other side of the ledge (on a column for example). Then, I wouldn't be able to move and if I press the Ctrl key to drop down from the ledge, well, she dies. Second thing, the combat doesn't feel fluid at all. The AI is dumb, REALLY dumb. Your enemies, especially humans, just stay there when you shoot at them. The game tried to take a realistic approach with the graphics and all, but this just kills it in my opinion. Also, even though you can dodge, you ''can't'' really dodge, if you get what I'm saying? Big enemies usually come in packs of two, and after you dodge one's attack, the other enemy is definitely going to hurt you. That sucks, unless you stay on a ledge and shot them from a distance, you'll eventually have to use a health pack and there's no way around it. I just want to say that you won't die from enemies though. You'll die mostly trying to get to a certain area or solving a puzzle (glitches don't help too), and I've played the game on Tomb Raider difficulty (Medium). You just got to take your time in this game and appreciate all the little details put into it!


This paragraph totally convinced me to stay away from this game.

Nah, don't. Glitches won't happen if you take your time. I just like to speed run games, and it seems like my play style is too demanding for the game! xD

The combat gets a lot better near the end when you get used to the controls, but since when was a Tomb Raider game ''combat-heavy'' anyways (I mean, Gears of War style or something)? It's an extra to my eyes if you ask me, and when you get a certain weapon near the end, you'll laugh like hell!

The game has a lot to offer, and it's not broken, it's just a bit frustrating at some points though. I've played far worse Tomb Raider games (coughAngelofDarknesscough), and it's probably the best engine a Tomb Raider game has ever had.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!