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I could go in-depth and really pick this article apart, pointing out statements like "OMG, this shooters uses GUNS.  That's like SO generic!" ...but I won't.

Two things that I will comment on:

1.  He dropped Killzone for Resistance?  That's a first.  Everyone i know in the beta did the opposite.  I stopped playing R2 after three days to go back to Killzone 2.

2.  Resistance 2's textures pop?  Um...did we play the same game?  And Killzone 2's textures don't?  Did he even look at the ground in Salamun Market?

And I can't help but wonder what his angle is with comments like this:

Remember when PS3 gamers made fun of "Greys of War" for the same reason?

Even if they did, that has nothing to do with a preview like this (or shouldn't), and lines like that certainly don't paint him as a bastion of neutrality.