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IBM is not lieing even they put ps3 over the 360 LOL

the 360 doens't run all full effiency either.

cell theorical maximum around 200gflops


xenon therocial maximum around 115gflops

ps3 is more powerful than the 360 either way.

and ibm already show cell outputting 194gflops using parallel processing. 8 spu.


without the PPE .

So the cell doesn't have a PPE, the 360 CPU runs at 100% efficiency and Sony haven't updated the PS3 OS since launch? Oh wait...


PPE is like a CPU it syncs SPE and offload works SPE can't do. it's also mutithreaded  , meaning you only need 4-5 SPE not in 100% used also  to match 360 100% theorical power power.

it real task the ps3 may probably be only around 35% more powerful than the 360 but still more powerful than the 360,

since everyone was ignoring this.

My point here is that PS3 games, at least initially, are not going to use all five or six available SPEs (remember, of the eight SPEs, one is disabled for yield purposes, a second is reserved for the system, and a third allegedly can be taken over by the system if it's needed). And when games do get around to using all the available SPE power, they won't be using all of it in the same way. Some SPEs will do some types of things, and some will do some others. If one SPE gets taken out of play by the OS, its work will shift to another SPE; the impact that this will have on any one game depends on what task that SPE was running and how the task was rescheduled.

So the idea that Sony's removal of two SPEs can reasonably be characterized as a 25 percent reduction in CPU horsepower is nonsense. The performance impact all depends first on how many SPEs each game uses, and then on what the workload mix is like, and finally on how the work gets redistributed by the game when that extra SPE goes offline. In short, there's no way to give an easy answer to the question of the kind of impact this will have on game performance in general.

in general ps3 can get any 360 game, and if numbers don't lie, 4 SPE + PPE match 50% - 66% of Cell power., the tri-core xenon 100% in output power that actually doens't run at 100% either.