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Bboid said:

There are way too many games out to play and not enough time.  I've got a stack of games still sealed and awaiting my use but the desire to play them is dwindling.  I can't even finish most games anymore without getting bored with emIs the market saturated with too many good games or am I actually starting to grow up(hopefully not) and moving out of the "video game phase"?


You have already answered your problem. Your bored with most games that you play now. I don't think the problem lies within the market being to saturated with "too many good games". I think the market is being saturated by games which we are told are good but turn out boring us instead. And when you get bored with something you tend to steer away from that. The gaming market seems to be filling up with alot of the same old type of games. And that in turn means subconsiously your brain would be saying "don't play this game, its going to be the same as the last game you played which you got bored with." Well at least thats my theory based on what you wrote. Don't worry I think I'm in the same boat.