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Gaming Discussion - Screw EA - View Post

sinha said:
Wow, that is pretty bad.

As for the 360, it was absolute garbage last year, so I'm actually VERY happy this year, it's like a 100x improvement.

But there are still some issues: interceptions are WAY too common. I'll give an example from the very last game I played: I was the Colts (very good team for those who don't know) against the Raiders (terrible), and I was up 31-0, and then the computer just started to intercept every other pass like the Raiders were a team of superheroes. It was ridiculous, I barely hung on for like a 10 point victory.

Fumbles are also somewhat too frequent, although not as bad as interceptions.

All I can say is given the difference in quality between 07 and 08 for the 360, maybe EA will make a really good version for the PS3 next year.

 arf gayton manning sucks that's why :P

go DA BEARS DA BEARS DA BEARS... I played 2007 and 2008 I never had more than 2 interceptions and like 5 fumble at most a game.... and I play the Bears or the panthers usually..... more the Bears though 


and to the poster.... I have nothing to repport on 2008 on 360... at least nothing unexpected.... and nothing as bad as you describe on the PS3 version