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That's not bullshit, it's reality. Unless you understand how the distribution chain takes its' cut of game sales, and do the math on the cost of the games, most games do not ever turn a profit.

4 percent sounds about spot on to me. Last generation, I believe it was about 9 percent. Double the average cost of development in the "HD era", and it's no shock.

Remember when we were told that a typical PS3 game would need to sell 500k just to break even?


Also, let's not forget companies like Ubisoft saying that they are making 360/PS3 games off the profits from Wii and DS.

This shouldn't be a suprise to anybody. Unless of course you forget how many studios and publishers folded last generation.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!