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But I didn't post anything about original jurisdiction except an exact phrase from the Supreme Court's web site.

About the commas, I thought it was obviously joke-like. I already stated this in the post above. But since two people didn't get it than I must admit I am not funny.

You realize most of my posts are jokes, right? Dry PDQ Bach-ish type jokes, but jokes none the less.

I actually didn't mean to get into an argument over the law, my whole point was (as stated in one of the first 100) that it's not going to go anywhere and that it doesn't matter.

I, unlike other Obamabots, am only saying that this isn't really good for the country. Not legally speaking but reality speaking. I'm not trying to defend his citizenship, I said that I don't know and I don't care. He's not some radical, he's appointing a pretty standard cabinet minus full-time lobbyists so my view is the real truth isn't as important as what everyone believes. If he was appointing radical internationalists or foreign nationalist, than the real truth would matter.

I would like to see this issue put to rest because it would damage the country. I don't care if Obama was born in Kenya and isn't technically eligible, his transition hasn't been radical or tinged by foreign influence. I think Joe Biden is a great role model for me to pick up women, but I do not want to see him as president; he would most likely win.

What good would it do if you were right? You can answer honestly.
Are you worried he is influenced by Kenya, like Arnold had been influenced by Austria as Governator?
Are you worried he is a profiteer, like Bush/Cheney?
Are you worried he is going to push an Islamo-Fascist agenda?
Do you think he is going to federally fund the Comintern?

I do understand the importance of THE truth but any man who has ever lived with a girlfriend or wife will tell you, it's not always best to tell the truth.

Edit: I never seriously said we should follow what the fore fathers intended, I think I made a joke.  Despite their political innovations, they were racist, elitist, alcoholics, rapists (having sex with their slaves), and/or kid touchers (marrying women much younger)... these were the norms of the day but we have our norms for our day.  I always encourage people to think for themselves, disagree, and fight for what they THINK is right.  I would never tell anyone to follow "WWFFD?".  You should think about it, but weigh it against your situation and the intellectual developments of history in general.



I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.