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HappySqurriel said:
Esa-Petteri said:
oma said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Soma said:

In conclusion, HD development is a lot more expensive than Wii development. So.... why so much arguing here?

In conclusion, that is what THQ said. If you take a look few posts back, you can find the links of what THQ has developed on all 3 platforms. From those links, you can see why developing for wii is "a lot" cheaper for THQ.


Yeah, I looked at them. But still, making those Wii games would had been more expensive on the HD platforms. The link you provided give an example with Red Steel.

Making an exactly same game(high quality) is actually cheaper for Ps3/360. You can get away with sloppy code on ps3/360 but not on Wii.


Oh and you are joking. Aren't you? Do you really consider that "estimation" a fact for what red steel would have cost on Ps3 or 360? Really?



Making the exact same game on all platforms would cost (essentially) the same ... The ammount of money you would save by not having to optimize your code would easily be lost in sales because the game does not live up to people's expectations for HD games.

The fact is that most publishers have estimated the development cost of a HD game at (somewhere) between 2 and 4 times the cost of producing a similar Wii game ... There is a lot that is open to interpretation, but the conclusion that has to be made is that Wii games are noticeably less expensive than HD games to develop.


If another product is graphically superior, how can it be similar? Show me a link about some developer saying that a similar game would be 2-4 times more expensive on Ps3/360. Then I can believe you.

If you are talking average games on platforms, I can agree that wii games are noticeably cheaper to develop. ;)