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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Sixaxis

One mistake: Heavy Rain>>>>>>>>>>>>> Final Fantasy Versus XIII Just my two cents :)

Yeah, sorry as you can clearly see im biased in favor of Versus XIII in many aspects. :P


And thats why people saying one game is better than the other is a major flaw as a guage. The reality is in performance numbers the PS3 and 360 are EXTREMELY close in capabilities. So when the gens end arrives the difference will be basically nothing. I could sit here and argue that no 360 game has been optimized for the console. What you say? Well the 360 is multithread as well. But because the 360 is so easy to use as a single thread game machine even the mighty Gears 1 only uses 1 core. There is plenty of growth. Sony seem to have had dedicated teams working on games using multithreads, whereas 360 hasnt had ANY!(although I need to check on Gears 2.) But that arguement is pointless.

Hence why showing raw power of both systems in figures shows they are extremely close, much closer than Sony hid the fact of.