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To answer all the "these figures are from 2005 arguements".

Firstly the figures from IBM are correct till the day PS3 stops production they will never change.

Second @ anyone wondering if the PPE is included in the overall 155.5GFLOPS the answer is yes. The test with 8 SPE's cannot be done without the PPE as they cannot be tested all together without it. They need the PPE. So yes the 155.5GFLOPS IBM figure is for the whole CELL processor. As I said bear in mind that the Cell in PS3 will only ever use 6 SPE's for games as 2 are perminantly taken out of game programmers hands. So as I said the Cell for games is not using 155.5 GFLOPS.

thirdly, yes the Ram figures have changed for the OS instead of 96mb usage it currently at the last checkpoint went down to 86mb usage.

certain people claim that Gears 2 is not the best looking game to date. They are allowed their opinion. But the figures of the consoles are not opinion. Yes the ram situation in PS3 can get better but that is the only thing that can and will change. The rest are that way for the rest of the gen. So lets not split hairs on figures which were released by IBM in 2005.

So no I havent been owned in any way. I find it very funny that still people argue with clear facts (I'll give you the ram arguement though). But the name of the article is about the Cell, something that will NEVER change inside the PS3. And something which Sony has very cleverly hid the truth of. The fact of the matter is for games the Cell inside the PS3 is about half of the GFLOPS that Sony stated the Cell was capable of according to IBM.