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Esa-Petteri said:
HappySqurriel said:
Esa-Petteri said:

I think your estimations for high budget wii game are a bit low. At least red steel and smg cost more to develop than 10 million. I think that those two aren't the only games which cost more than 10m on wii.



First off, a couple of games that surpass an estimate do not (necessarily) make it meaningless ... Just because Konami took (more than) 3 years with (more than) 200 developers to produce Metal Gear Solid 4 doesn't mean that an estimate of $50,000,000 for a big budget PS3 game is too low.

Secondly, I haven't heard any numbers for Super Mario Galaxy being that Nintendo is one of the quietest companies in the industry when it comes to how they develop games. I do know that Ubisoft claimed $12 Million for Red Steel and we don't know to what extent they included other costs (like Marketing) in their budget.

So maybe you should use something else than "sky is the limit" estimate for a high budget hd-game. After all, it is just couple of games.



Except, I wouldn't consider Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 4, Final Fantasy XIII, and Grand Theft Auto 4 to be "Just a couple of games" ... Every one of the Massive HD games are being developed by over 100 developers for over 3 years, and it is difficult to come up with an upper limit on what big budget HD console games can cost.

I'm willing to accept that a big-budget Wii game can cost up to $20 Million, are you willing to accept that even the biggest budget Wii games are still on the lower side of "Average" for a HD console game?