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amirnetz said:

You have some valid points, but there are some important differences to the Xbox situation. Development budgets are higher now so they need all the potential userbase they can get, and this time the 360 didn't get a huge head start in installed base, so developers got used to targeting both.

That said, if/when third parties start to take the Wii seriously, PS3 and 360 could lose some more games.

Disagree. With the economics the way they are, the appetite of the studios for large risky investments will go down. There will always be the big productions. But expect also to see the low-budgeted releases, and increasingly so. Few can afford to risk $50M-$100M on a big production title. The is very little capital left to go around for such risks. It is much easier to get the investments and returns from the good $5M-$10M titles.

Regarding the Wii - noone by Ninty was able to really crack the formula on how to make people buy games for it. The studios are trying for years to figure it out but the top selling titles for the Wii are always the first parties. There is no doubt the Wii market and audiance is very different than the PS3 and the 360. This almost is why the forums almost ignore the Wii though unit-wise it is killing.

I think third parties should start taking wii seriously. Currently whole game industry is in trouble and making big risks isn't the way to make profit. Yes, I mean HD games. Development costs have raised way too much. Sony & MS really aren't helping with hardware that is alien to PC code, which you could use with ease to make games with much less.

According to study by EEDAR only 4% of games make profit ever. Makes you think is the whole industry doomed, doesn't it?
