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Wow, that's a lot of work you've put into this NJ5. I don't think it would do justice to you if I did not read at least some of your links, so I'll hold off a bit on commenting (at least an in-depth one).

However, it seems to me that Sony will have to cut costs in all their products, as quickly as they can. If they can't cut costs, and aren't making too much on that product, they'll have to outright drop it.

Specifically speaking on the PS3, they cannot drop it. They've put too much money into it, and they have to make it back somehow. They have to forget about being in a "first place" pissing contest with Microsoft, and focus on reducing costs to manufacture the PS3, but NOT cutting the price............they need a profit. Hopefully, they could use a lot of the R&D that went into the PS3, on the PS4, and make a profit that way.

What does this mean for blu-ray? They've already lowered their forecast for that. Do they lower both manufacturing costs and price for the discs, for higher penetrance? Or do they focus on profitability? Do they allow China to make blu-ray players and release cheap players? So many questions.

Of course, if this financial crisis ends, then none of this matters. But hopefully, Sony and all big businesses, learn to operate within their fiscal means.