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The 360 is wireless, you just have to buy an optional adapter.  If you have any intentions of buying Blu-Ray movies get a PS3. If you plan on using only Netflix and dowloading movies to your Hard drive you'll want to consider a 360. For sports games both are the same so that should have no effect on your decision.  But as far looks, the PS3 looks really nice in a home theater set up.  The 360 looks like a gaming console.  Also any 50" Panasonic Plasma is a great TV.  Don't sweat burn in, they took care of that problem a couple years ago, and even then it was minimal.  But I wouldn't lock my self into that TV.  Shop around, the deals this holiday on Plasma's and LCD's are going to be ridiculous.  Stay away from DLP.  Replacing bulbs cost money and as the bulbs wear down the picture degrades significantly.