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IDK, I think lame (so far) is pretty lame. It's very bare bones, and I know that it's a beta but I'm not sure if things that they add will "spice it up", well for me anyways. One thing I realize while I was in Home waiting for the supposed "thing" to happen at 6-8 PST yesterday was the communication between people. I can easily see people meeting new gamers through Home and playing games. Hell, I was talking about R2 yesterday with a couple ppl and if game launching was up, it would've been awesome to play R2 with them.

This IMO is Home's "selling point" because it helps u meet more gamers to play with and u get to communicate with the rest of the playstation community. Talk about what games ur looking forward to or spread the word about a great game that ppl should go buy. I have like around 40 or so friends on my PSN buddy list, some that I know in real life, and some that I met through forums and such, and I'm sure that if Home was released last year, I would have like around 50+ atleast.


I see alot of potential, hopefully it comes into fruition