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Vista Ultimate priced at £370 and Office07 being priced at £100 is stupid because you can buy a computer with them both installed at £500 thus MS shoots themselves in the foot.Google offers free apps over the internet thus shooting MS in the foot.Dell offers Linux as standard on PC's thus shooting MS in the foot.AppleMacintosh is gaining ground against MS because they are more reliable(dont crash etc),dont go outdated as fast as PC's,more user friendly(this list could go on all day).MS doesnt have the pulling or pushing power it once had and about time they were killing the industry.MS will die from Xbox and Zune and to a lesser extent Vista and Office why i hear you ask,Xbox is $7billion is debt and Live® subscriptions only cover the cost of running itself.Zune has sold nothing compared to iPod at around 150millionWW since 2001 and Zune has sold about 1.2million since November14th06.Vista and Office will sell eventually but not like their predecsors did.Xbox and Zune are MS trying to force their way into an industry that isnt theirs to rule like they forced themselves in to the OSindustry in 1985 against Apple which ruled the OSindustry for almost 20years Windows only started to gain marketshare against Apple on the release on Windows95 and from then to now MS has ruled the OSindustry its time for change.

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)