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With the Arcade selling out, it proves that price is king, and not having a plethora of extra functions.

Going into this generation, we saw the opposite - X360 Core Units (at $300) were in the vast minority of 360 sales - somewhere around 10%. Likewise, the 20GB Playstation 3 (at $500) was also a disaster for Sony.

Now, it's the exact opposite. The Arcade is selling out, and all indications point to the Arcade moving between 35-50% of all SKU sales in the United States - up from 15-20% the year prior. Likewise, the feature-less 40 & 80GB Playstation 3 have become the de-facto standard in the Sony stable.

So again, it shows that price has been a determining factor in a system's ability to move. I am glad that Microsoft slashed the prices on the Arcade, and are getting rewarded for it.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.