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Soleron said:

I DON'T like that idea. It would take away the Nintendo theme of SSB and also degrade the quality by making balance impossible. It would make it into a generic fighting game.

Also, would such a mode sell more copies (Nintendo exists to make a profit)? Assuming only the Nintendo hardcore would want such a feature, they would buy the game anyway so it wouldn't increase sales.

What they should do in the next game is to completely change the fundamentals of SSB to make it new and interesting. Brawl was the peak of the original SSB formula and could not be meaningfully improved upon; the only way to go forward is change. The most successful and critically acclaimed Nintendo games have been the ones that abandoned previous conventions: Super Mario 64, Metroid Prime, OoT...


I agree with everything in your post except the bolded, because the game's severely unbalanced anyway.

On topic: I wouldn't want to see that feature, what makes Super smash bros stand out is that Nintendo has 20 years worth of characters to bring to the fray, if I were playing the next installment, I'd rather see characters I haven't seen in 15 years as opposed to a random custom character with all the cheapest moves from the tier 1 fighters at their disposal.