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MikeB said:
@ afree_account

Fuckit MikeB, there is no relation between the xmb and qnx!

PS3Rips at PS3hax wrote this for example:

MAC : 00:19:C5:70:93:B9 (Sony Computer Entertainment,)
Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port
Device type: general purpose|game console

Running: NetBSD 4.X, QNX 6.X, Sony embedded
OS details: NetBSD 4.99.4 (x86), QNX 6.2.1 (x86), Sony PlayStation 3 game console

(Note the x86 result is of course wrong)

OMG, this is a result of a portscan, u 're kindding me.

ps3rips at ps3hax, hmmm, sounds like a reliable person.