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Many PC game engines are obsolete anyhow with the way PC technology is moving towards quad and more core architectures anyhow. The PS3 is only leading the way.

Some engines can still have the same code from 90's or early 2000 because it just works and the way of PS3 isn't the same as homogeneous platform way. Sure there are more cores, but you need to use them differently.


I know Housemarque(Finland is small place, you know) and stardust wasn't exactly kind of game I was referring. LBP is more like it, but still didn't media molecule get a lot of help from sony when they were making it? Can sony help every dev out there the same way?

Of course it sucks for small companies a company like Epic does not put more effort into developing their cross platform middleware technologies for the PS3. Probably this has to do with their dealings with Microsoft.

Or they are they just more farsighted and realistic by not learning type of platform that might last only one generation? I mean there is no guarantee that PS4 will use CELL or anything like it. I can remember all the fuzz with Emotion Engine and how it was incredible, it was going to be used forever, even Saddam tries to get it etc. And now we have another generation with CELL and same show has started again. What can you do with the knowledge of optimizing EE now? Use your knowledge to make another PS2 game... :)