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Power demand and utilization will go up in course of time, you will have to remember where many of the currently adapted game engines originate from (some are built from scratch, but that's also time consuming, some mature legacy PC game engines have been worked on for over a decade).

You had inefficient PC game engines which used up a lot of memory resources in the past and a few years ago could only distribute processing capabilities onto 1 or 2 processor cores. Then you have various game engines which originate from the PS2 and the technical gap between PS2 and PS3 is enormous, the PS3 provides potential for a lot of additional technical abilities (which will have to be developed and added to the game engine).

The way these game engines have been designed caused potential limitations on modern PS3 hardware, first everything has to be adapted like what's being done with Killzone 2 then more and more effects and functionality are being added (thus that chart may be obsolete by now).

Isn't that a very bad thing? Whatever you have done on PC is near obsolete and whatever you want to do you need to start it from scratch. Sounds like good deal for big companies only and very bad deal for smaller companies.

Developers will constantly try to enhance their games and thus game engines, due to the PS3's fundamental specifications remaining the same and at least be in mass production for a decade, game engines will mature to a point where they are tapping a vast majority the PS3's resources even with low-level optimisations eventually.

It's a time consuming process, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But the problem is that you have lots of untapped processing power on CELL and other components are restricting you more than enough. Its like putting tractors engine into cars case and hoping it will be faster than F1 car because it has the power needed for it. Can you give a concretic example for what you could use CELL:s processing power in games, which would make them superior to X360 games for example? Whatever I can think it needs more memory, better GPU... And ppl who built Rome did have steady supply of construction materials. :)

(Btw, thanks for not using words superior, incredible, all superlatives etc. I might even consider taking you more seriously, if you keep it up. ;) )