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Bboid said:
FishyJoe said:

This is how wrong you are:

The NPD also pointed out that multiple console ownership in the current console lifecycle is currently very low; just three percent said that they own two of the three systems (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii). Two percent said they own all three.


Thanks.  I was wrong.  Didn't realize there were that many people who didn't own more than 1 console from this gen.  Almost every person I know has a Wii and a 360 or ps3.  I'm the only person with all 3 so I dig the 2% owning all 3.  3% owning 2 systems I think is low, but I understand the article is a bit outdated.


Do you have anything on global numbers or focused at europe?




Bboid has more balls than 90 precent of the posters here... to admit being wrong... that's just something we don't see... I thought at first I read this wrong... crazy


on topic: