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If you’re one of the lucky 100,000 who have been invited into Home today, then like myself you’ve had the thrill of first seeing the email, then freaking out that you haven’t started download, then surprised to find out that the download is only roughly 30mbs, and then had a thrill to launch Home for the first time. I’m going to stick to the terms of service, and not reveal anything that will spoil your Home experience, but I will share a few small aspects that have been noticeable from the start.


Currently version 1.00 shows Home in a plain, and basic format. Options are limited, and interactions are few, but by observing the spaces around you, you will realize Home is geared towards success. An example would be the mall. Currently the mall is just a piece of art work with nothing to sell, but over time we will be able to see the space expand into something truly extraordinary. Products from different stores selling to different audiences will make this virtual world unique. Another point to make is that while Home is currently going through one of the biggest additions of users, some spaces are already jam packed. For instances playing a bowling game in the games room is a matter of luck when you have quite a number of users inside the room, and only five or so bowling alleys. It will be interesting to see how the entire Playstation community will fit under the hood when the public beta goes live. We could possibly seen an expansion of some spaces in order to accommodate the large population. Last, but not least, customizing your space is limited with only small objects, and a few different pieces of wallpaper to jazz up your room, but the future options of applications like streaming music, and video make Home a promising world for you, and your friends.

In the end, don’t get me wrong. Home is fantastic, and is currently in the right direction towards becoming an icon for the Playstation 3, and a meeting place for all PS3 gamers. Your first steps into Home will be full of excitement after the ever-lasting wait. From the bowling alley, and arcade machines, to the open plaza to hang out, and relax, but be sure to return to your space for a nice view on the balcony once its all complete. Bring along a box full of food, because you will have a long night ahead of you exploring through the world of Home, and what it has to offer.



has anyone else tried it?what did you think of it except being a bit empty since it's just a beta.