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Hardcore = repetitive gameplay mechanics over and over again. For example, FF7 ~ FF12 - basicaly interactive anime with traditional and retarded battle system. FF7 was a success and benchmark for jRPGs, all following in the series just copying it with a few new elements, some tweaks here, some tweaks there. Yes, FF means epic storyline through a lot of CGI, but was there epic gameplay? Definitely no, there're just no room for gameplay when CGI occupy 9/10 room of data medium (that's just exaggeration, I'm not serious at this point). But that just a matter of opinion - "ludologists" vs. "narratologists" - I'm a gameplay guy. Sorry, FF-fans, no offence, I just got tired by Square Enix mass production of jRPGs.

//BTW the same with so called "modern FPSs" cloning each other... run-cover-shoot - is that a hardcore? I just don't get it, may be I'm NOT hardcore.