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patjuan32 said:

Both of you guys are missing the point. Nintendo did not betray the core audience. They've developed Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros., Battalion wars II, Super Paper Mario, and Fire Emblem: Radient Dawn just to name a few.

Third party developers are the ones that are betraying Nintendo. The use the Wii as a dumping ground for any shovel ware title trying to make the next Wii sports. Multiplatform games that appear on the Wii usually have less Modes and features than the other versions simply because it is the last one to be developed and developers cut coners to get the game to the market on schedule. Rock Band, Call of Duty: World at war, and Sonic Unleashed are examples of this. There are a lot more though. Finally, there are developers that are using game engines designed for the PS2 to develop games for the Wii. The bottom line is that developers and publishers are not investing in the Wii. There are third party engines on the market that could be used but instead developers and publishers want to be as cheap as possible on the Wii while trying to reap the  cash rewards. It's not going to happen. Core gamers are too smart. Even casual gamers are waking up. This is why Ubisoft now has to actually advertise their shovelware. It is not selling like it once was. Casuals are leaving that crap on the shelves. This is going to continue to happen. Nintendo's casual offerings usually has depth.

The Sims would be a great fit for the Wii. The Wii remote and Nunchuck would allow the casaul audience as well as the core to experice The Sims and play it just like their PC counter parts.

Itadaki Street Wii Mushroom Kingdom Versus Final Fantasy would be a game, like the Sims, that could be enjoyed by the Casual as well as the core.

The Wii remote can mimic the mouse on a 2d plane perfectly. Yet no one will develop a Real Time Strategy game for the Wii. It makes no sense and is completely shocking. EA has developed Command and Conquer games for the Xbox 360 and PS3 using gamepads that has led to complex controls.

Third parties that invest in the Wii will be rewarded.



 OK... NOW WHAT? Just to let you know, COD: WAW and Sonic Unleashed was a good game. Unless you believe in reviews by IGN and you might just buy Castlevania judgement than buy Sonic Unleashed or AC: CF which is lulzy.

Its Nintendo that make these third parties cater to the casual crowd if not, then their E3 could be different. But guess not, RIGHT? E3 2007 they announced Wii Fit E3 2008 they announced Wii Music and dedicated 20 minutes just to endorsed it. Disruption wasnt exactly a good thing, Nintendo just want to make sure that SONY and MS bleeds money and other third parties that ditched Nintendo and make a full frontal attack to destroy the competition completely. The october conference was the sign its already happening you're surprised that there are more games that is in store for us this coming year arent you? Simply because Reggie says about third parties doesnt mean they mean it, if not they could do something about it.

Nintendo wants to make it this way, now most of the games by PS3 and Xbox 360 are either exclusive shooters or ports of PC games. SONY and MS knew theyre like a mouse trapped in a cage wants to go out but no avail. They want to appeal with the expanded audience like price cuts and lips and LBP but we knew what happened. SONY and MS cant feed the small userbase for how long its only a matter of time before MS and SONY gives up, and forced the 3rd parties to develop games on the Wii wether they like it or not.  We're all pawn in all of this, yeah... Nintendo used all of you the Nintendo fans to make sure their planned work and it worked thank goodness Im not in that crowd since Im a PSX PS2 gamer before. This is the reason why Im not in this console war drama anymore because I knew what Ninty is planned all along.

I just want to know if COD WAW have legs and sells just to show third parties that there are core gamer crowd on the Wii.

P.S. I forgot, I think there'll be a Wii HD developing now by Ninty and will announced in 2011, so much for PS3 10 year plan...

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out