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Kenny said:
yushire said:
Lets sum this up, 3rd parties dont like Nintendo, 3rd parties dont like the Wii. 3rd parties caught up on how succesful the Wii was, it take atleast 2 1/2 year half of this generation lifecycle before we can see any decent 3rd party games on the Wii. The Conduit will released on maybe on March or May, the same time after or during the RE5 launch. SO what game will gamers choose to buy? Even after The Conduit became succesful its too late for third parties to shift focus on the Wii. ITS OVER, this generation of consoles is almost finished. Ninty will announced a Wii HD in 2011.

YEAH, core gamers are screwed on the Wii but who says disruption was a good thing? Even the NES didnt caught up with the core gamers till almost its lifecycle was finished. SMB3 released in 1990 or 1991, during SNES release... Ninty only wants MS ans SONY to bleed money for them to not having competition when they will released Wii HD. YEAH, core gamers are betrayed but for a business standpoint its a good tactic.

Here's a question, though - did Nintendo betray the core first, or did it happen the other way around?  Recall that the N64 and the GameCube firmly targeted the core, but Nintendo's market performance successively worsened to the point that people felt they had faded into irrelevance.  In that, could the core have expected Nintendo to behave any differently than they have this time around?


Both of you guys are missing the point. Nintendo did not betray the core audience. They've developed Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros., Battalion wars II, Super Paper Mario, and Fire Emblem: Radient Dawn just to name a few.

Third party developers are the ones that are betraying Nintendo. The use the Wii as a dumping ground for any shovel ware title trying to make the next Wii sports. Multiplatform games that appear on the Wii usually have less Modes and features than the other versions simply because it is the last one to be developed and developers cut coners to get the game to the market on schedule. Rock Band, Call of Duty: World at war, and Sonic Unleashed are examples of this. There are a lot more though. Finally, there are developers that are using game engines designed for the PS2 to develop games for the Wii. The bottom line is that developers and publishers are not investing in the Wii. There are third party engines on the market that could be used but instead developers and publishers want to be as cheap as possible on the Wii while trying to reap the  cash rewards. It's not going to happen. Core gamers are too smart. Even casual gamers are waking up. This is why Ubisoft now has to actually advertise their shovelware. It is not selling like it once was. Casuals are leaving that crap on the shelves. This is going to continue to happen. Nintendo's casual offerings usually has depth.

The Sims would be a great fit for the Wii. The Wii remote and Nunchuck would allow the casaul audience as well as the core to experice The Sims and play it just like their PC counter parts.

Itadaki Street Wii Mushroom Kingdom Versus Final Fantasy would be a game, like the Sims, that could be enjoyed by the Casual as well as the core.

The Wii remote can mimic the mouse on a 2d plane perfectly. Yet no one will develop a Real Time Strategy game for the Wii. It makes no sense and is completely shocking. EA has developed Command and Conquer games for the Xbox 360 and PS3 using gamepads that has led to complex controls.

Third parties that invest in the Wii will be rewarded.


If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba