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I don't know guys, I'm neither a JRPG fan, nor a hater. But let's be honest.
Let's take LO as an example. Is it considered a top notch JRPG? From what I've heard and read, yes. Most likely.
And Mass Effect is considered to be a top WRPG. Well, I tried LO.
I'll be straight here. Despite its really good features, and despite features that have to do with tastes (tb battle system etc), it has SO many flaws that are almost laughable. Technical issues, dialogues without end and without meaning and a story that... er... isn't exactly a narrative masterpiece, though it is considered to be from the fans of the genre. But it isn't.
What I personally see here (in the narrative and story evolving part) is that a whole generation of gamers, grown up with JRPGs and FF like narration and story building, have serious issues of separating a really good story from a piece of junk.
I bet the VAST majority of these gamers haven't read a single literary novel except those that are forced to in school
Don't get me wrong, it's just my point of view.
So, when this mediocrity gets repetitive, even the older fans of the genre get bored from it. Look at the FFXI and FFXII reviews. I don't recall a single positive sentence in major reviews (excluding the FF praise thing which was expected)
Not a single phrase for some new and refreshing features, of something new and audacious.
Once again, I'm not a fan of the genre, so, I might be wrong here. Just my thoughts...