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Kantor said:

Wow, wow, wow. Wait right there. The majority of PS2 owners haven't bought 7th gen consoles yet. They are waiting for the prices to go down.

The Wii's success lies in the fact that it appealed to people who had never touched a console before, who were new to gaming.



This is a fairly accurate statement.  I tried pointing out earlier that PS2 still sells a million worth of software each week, mostly being JRPG's and multiplat software(mostly sports) to people who have not stepped into this generation yet due to cost.  Another major market for Wii sucess is the healthcare/corporate sector.  Between 1 nursing home complex and 3 hospitals around Baltimore there are over 200 Wii's installed for therapy/activity areas.  I dont think the # of last gen gamers going to Wii this gen is as high as some people like to depict, but I also dont think it is as low as others like to depict (including myself at times).