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With 2008 closing, I think this is an important argument to levy against Western reviewers, that, in a world where 10/10's seem to be handed out as quickly as pot at a Dave Matthews concert, that reviewers have un-evenly lobbied their critisisms of this beloved genre.

To some, such as myself, this is a great time to be a JRPG gamer. I've played about 8 JRPGs this gen on my X360 alone, and have a backlog of Infinite Undiscovery, and The Last Remnant on my X360. For my DS, it's a landslide of trying to get my meager library finished (FFIII, DQ4) - I still have a dozen 'good' JRPGs that have reached North America, before I begin to pick the more mediocre JRPGs available on the system.

Yet for the bountiful harvest we've been getting - which has slowly migrated to the Wii and PS3 as well, the reviewers seem to be weighted oh-so heavily against the stalwart genre.

Consider the list of "best next-gen JRPGs" available for handhelds & consoles:

The World Ends With You 88.11% DS
Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL 87.96% PSP
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness 87.70% PSP
Jeanne D'Arc 86.18% PSP
Valkyria Chronicles 85.83% PS3
Final Fantasy IV 85.06% DS
Pokemon D/P 84.70% DS
Tales of Eternia 84.31% PSP
Tales of Vesperia 83.75% X360
Eternal Sonata 81.90% PS3
Disgaea DS 81.81% DS
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII 81.80% PSP
Etrian Odyssey 2 81.75% DS
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 81.03% DS
Disgaea 3 80.65% PS3
Dragon Quest IV 80.21% DS
Eternal Sonata 79.59% X360
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings 79.33% DS
Lost Odyssey 79.11% X360
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn 78.94% Wii
Blue Dragon 77.58% X360
Final Fantasy III 77.33% DS
Finall Fantasy: Ring of Fates 77.12% DS
Culdcept Saga 76.84% X360
Yggdra Union 76.52% PSP

Now consider the top available WRPGs on consoles & PCs (I pulled a few recent PC games since there isn't a whole truckload of apt WRPGs on consoles alone):


The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 93.89% X360
Fallout 3 93.18% X360
World of Warcraft 91.80% PC
Mass Effect 91.13% X360
Guild Wars 89.20% PC
Fable II 88.88% X360
Lord of the Rings Online 87.10% PC
Warhammer Online 86.50% PC
The Witcher: Enhanced 84.50% PC
Space Ranger 2 84.30% PC
Neverwinter Nights 2 82.50% PC
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 82.18% X360
Titan's Quest 81.40% PC
Age of Conan 81.16% PC

Notice the difference? The top 5 WRPGs are all reviewed better than the best JRPG available on next-gen systems.

Am I the only one that feels that regardless of system, JRPGs seem to be getting a raw deal in the media review system? No, this isn't because The Last Remnant has a 65.0% average from 2 reviews, but because it seems that as time goes on, no console game has got a fair shake, and very few handheld games have, either.

Example: User reviews would have you believe that Valkyria Chronicles, Tales of Vesperia, and Lost Odyssey are 3 of the better JRPGs made in what seems like a long time. Yet the best-reviewed (VC) has a mere 85% ranking - despite it's genre-breaking factors (of which, I'd love to play this game).

Another factor to look at is the IP recognition between Western and Eastern RPGs: WRPGs have had a better success rate at garnering praise (such as Mass Effect, The Witcher, LOTR: Online - All over a short period of time) than the Eastern IP's that are new (only 3 JRPGs scored above an 85% - despite the fact I farmed 5 different systems).

Is the review system broke, or am I just a crazy JRPG fan? My girlfriend thinks JRPGs are the best thing since sliced bread - and she's very new to the JRPG scene. She's enthralled by Lost Odyssey, Dragon Quest VIII, and Kingdom Hearts.

Or are newer JRPGs currently out..Just worse than the Playstation 2 JRPGs? Part of the reason I'm posting this is due to a VGC-er arguing about my favoritsm of X360 JRPGs being pretty good (such as Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia). He argued that said JRPGs couldn't hold a candle on PS1/2 RPGs. Yet despite his claims, I honestly can't say that there were a treasure trove of PS1/2 JRPGs I played that blew the current crop totally out of the water. Yes, I loved FFXII, DQVIII, FFVII, Kingdom Hearts 1/2 and FFT among others. Yet I still feel that the current crop does the masters of the past 10 years quite a bit of honor. Maybe not as good as the SNES era (of which I owned most, if not all of them), but still very good given years' past offerings.

So JRPG-ers (there are a lot of VGC), what do you think? Am I the only one that thinks that, regardless of system, revewiers have given JRPGs the cold shoulder? Not one has been critically reviewed as being close to the 5 best WRPGs in the past 3 years, yet I have certainly enjoyed the big WRPG offerings as much as the JRPG offerings of the past 3-4 years, as a PC, X360 and DS owner.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.