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Hyams said:
I don't even know what those numbers mean. Why should I care about them?

Fact is, someone who actually knows what they're talking (ie. not you or me) has said that the PS3 is more powerful the 360.


umm, excuse me but umm. yeah that's just ignorance. It almost seem proud of it.

As for you last comment above. Also please don't place your ignorance as a common thing it's not. I'm not you please don't assume that I'm like you. "none of us" understand the OP original post. I do understand. It wasn't that hard to understand.


Selnors right anway. Stop buying hype and just buy what you want. Don't bother throwing around number from a company. No company is going into an industry and saying "we are number 2. Go use our compitors". Everyone only plays up it's most peak numbers and silently leaves out it's weakneses.


Flops are floating point operations. a Float in simple terms is a computer numerical  used to record decimal point values. Something required for high precision mathematics. From there on you just need to understand the refernce for  mega(1024), Giga(1024m) and Tera.

also more ram is always better. it reduces read times from the drive

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.