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I think it's quite funny that people believe 360 is going to outsell the PS3 worldwide this generation. First of all the PS3 will outsell the 360 in Japan with 10 maybe 15 million consoles this generation.

And that's something that can't be denied, a lot of Japanese gamers just can't be convinced to buy a 360 even with the great exclusive RPGs out there ^^

Just give the Japanese FF XIII, GT5 and some other S-E titles and the PS3 will be selling like crazy in Japan.

America? Hmm I don't see the PS3 closing the gap there, but without a doubt thanks to a price cut the gap will be smaller.

Europe? Actually it's quite funny, while the 360 is being advertised for 150 euros and the PS3 for 400 euros, the 360 is barely outselling the PS3 in others. It only needs one good game (Killzone 2?) and it'll start outselling the 360 again, I wouldn't even be surprised that the PS3 will start outselling the 360 in others without a big game or price-cut ^^